The fourth installment in the \"Endless Night\" series of mecha musume products by Eastern Model. This creation is designed with the theme of the commonly seen \"vampire (Camilla)\" corresponding to the \"wolf girl (Fenrir)\" in various visual works. The mecha musume features a sharp and distinct design, incorporating elements like suspenders, stockings, and high heels. The classic red and black color scheme is complemented by silver accents with a metallic pre-spray. Equipped with a dual-body configuration, it includes a backpack \"Covenant Bat,\" weapon \"Crimson Thorn,\" \"Sin and Punishment,\" \"Cause and Effect,\" weapon blood special effects parts, a base, and more. The product combines original settings to provide a narrative, allowing for not only standalone play but also the possibility of interaction with Frankenstein and Fenrir.
- From EASTERN MODEL's 1/12 scale original series [ATKGIRL] comes a mecha girl [Fenrir]. - Named after a great wolf from Norse mythology, it rips off any enemy that blocks it with its gigantic claws. - Size: 1/12 scale - Material: PVC&ABS