The Buster Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed" joins the "Robot Damashii Ver. A.N.I.M.E." action-figure lineup from Bandai! Piloted by Dearka Elsman of the ZAFT Army, this Gundam specializes in long-range artillery battles. Its two large guns, the 350mm gun launcher and the 94mm high-energy convergent fire line rifle, can be linked together depending on the battle situation and used as a high-powered large gun -- a gimmick that this figure reproduces! These two huge weapons are laid out on the Gundam's back with a backpack sandwiched between them. The excellent joint movement of the figure makes it easy to pose it with a gun in each hand! The 220mm six-barreled missile launcher on each shoulder features a lid that opens and closes, and missile launching can be reproduced with parts replacement. This figure is designed with the X100 Series frame, like the one used on Strike Gundam and Duel Gundam. A wide variety of effect parts such as gunfire and missiles are also included. Order this mighty mech for your own collection today!